Facilities Management

Facilities Management Department

Troy Martinez  - 
Herminio Estrada  -  Building Maintenance Supervisor
Dan Whitt  - 
Building Maintenance Worker 

The Facilities Department is responsible for the care and oversight of all buildings and structures owned by the Town of Bernalillo. The Department provides routine general maintenance and repair services to all buildings owned by the Town of Bernalillo, unless otherwise specified in a lease agreement. The Department also makes repairs to internal physical structures of Town buildings such as windows, floors, walls, and heating, ventilation & cooling (HVAC) systems. The Town employs skilled staff which provide for lower operating costs through a preventative maintenance system, therefore minimizing expenses to the Town.

Occasionally, the Facilities Department is tasked with special duties to provide support to vendors contracted by the Town. These duties may include prep work for any of the following:  remodeling projects, painting, carpeting, floor installation, or telecommunications and data services.

In some instances the Town leases out some of its buildings, and therefore maintenance is limited to structural issues.

Facilities Department staff will respond to emergencies within Town structures, and support the Public Works Department when environmental conditions arise that may impact the structural and/or internal facilities of Town buildings.

The Facilities Department is proud to provide critical upkeep and repair support to all buildings and structures belonging to the Town, so we can keep our facilities in good working condition for our employees and our customers.